From: | Jason W Neyers <> |
To: | Obligations <> |
Date: | 27/08/2019 11:24:30 UTC |
Subject: | ODG: Equity and Law: Fusion and Fission |
Attachments: | Equity and Law_flyer.pdf |
Dear Colleagues:
Congratulations go out to John C. P. Goldberg, Henry E. Smith and P. G. Turner on the publication if their edited collection, Equity and Law: Fusion and Fission with CUP (
Congratulations also go out to the many ODG contributors who include: Samuel L. Bray, Kellen Funk, Michael Lobban, Philip Girard, Mark Leeming, James Mccomish, Daniel J. Carr, Ben Kremer, Stephen Waddams, Patricia I. Mcmahon, Ben Mcfarlane,
Emily Sherwin, Matthew Harding, Dennis Klinck. A 20% discount is available if the instructions on the attached order form are followed.
Here is the description:
The fusion of law and equity in common law systems was a crucial moment in the development of the modern law. Common law and equity were historically the two principal sources of rules and remedies in the judge-made law of England, and
this bifurcated system travelled to other countries whose legal systems were derived from the English legal system. The division of law and equity - their fission - was a pivotal legal development and is a feature of most common law systems. The fusion of
the common law and equity has brought about major structural, institutional and juridical changes within the common law tradition. In this volume, leading scholars undertake historical, comparative, doctrinal and theoretical analysis that aims to shed light
on the ways in which law and equity have fused, and the ways in which they have remained distinct even in a 'post-fusion' world.
Happy Reading,
Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)